Deathgasm |
Deathgasm Watch Movie Online
I do mean instantly. One of the more admirable elements of “Deathgasm” is how little time Howden wastes once the demonic viscera hits the fan. This is not a slow burn—it’s an orgy of crazy violence and impressive make-up effects. Before the guys know it, everyone around them has been possessed by something that looks like what Ash locked in the basement in “Evil Dead 2.” The summoning song is played and suddenly people are puking blood and faces are getting power-sanded. Through it all, Howden keeps an admirable, Jackson-esque levity in the film that works more often than it falters. Dialogue like, “It’s weird, but I think he would have wanted to go out like this,” after a particularly brutal death keep things from getting overly gross and repulsively gory for a while (I also particularly enjoyed a bad guy ordering someone be decapitated a second time to confused looks of his minions).
However, gorehounds need not worry that a movie called “Deathgasm” plays it safe. This is a defiantly, well, metal movie. From a possessed human being bludgeoned with a sex toy to a guy whose head and spine are literally ripped from his body, there are a number of opportunities for the film’s fanbase to give devil horns to the screen. At its best, it’s like a Megadeth album cover sprung to life. The only problems come, as they often do in films like this, in the pacing department. To be honest, it’s another trait shared with metal in that a lot of heavy albums get numbing and exhausting around the 2/3rds mark. That’s about when I was ready for “Deathgasm” to finish up its encore.
Howden’s debut is helped greatly by his cast, especially Cawthorne and Crossman, a cute couple who go well beyond “dork” and “popular girl” to ground their characters in ways that horror often misses. The director and his stars commit to the insanity of their project. They’re the kind of fans who don’t just go to a concert, they wear the t-shirt of the band playing that night, paint their faces, and trick out their car with paintings of devils and dragons. That commitment can be infectious—or at least admirable.
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